Top Fully Funded Scholarships In UK 2024-25

Fully Funded Scholarships In UK
Fully Funded Scholarships In UK

Fully funded scholarships in UK allow international students to study in the UK without worrying about tuition fees or living expenses. These awards usually cover course fees, living costs and flights directly into Britain.

International students can avail themselves of various scholarships; some provide partial funding while others cover full expenses.

Chevening Scholarships

The UK government’s Chevening Scholarship programme offers fully-funded one-year master’s courses across universities throughout the UK. Scholarships cover tuition or programme fees, economy class return airfare to the UK, and a monthly living allowance; networking and internship opportunities, workshops, talks, and other events are also provided as part of this scholarship. Since its creation in 1983, over 50,000 exceptional professionals have studied in the UK, benefiting themselves and their communities and helping build bridges between nations through studying here.

Are You an International Student Considering UK Graduate Study Options? Consider Applying for a Chevening Scholarship Now

Applicant must hold an undergraduate degree that meets the requirements for their chosen field, have work experience, and meet the minimum employment requirement of two years. Applications close November 7th, 2023, and successful candidates receive full scholarships that cover tuition fees, exclusive networking opportunities, and the chance to discover the rich culture of Britain.

Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarships provide fully funded international study scholarships in the UK to high-achieving international students from low and middle-income countries, providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to foster sustainable development back home. They are awarded by universities as well as the UK government.

Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of one of the 54 Commonwealth nations. Furthermore, they must possess at least an upper second class (2:1) honours standard first degree or lower second class with relevant postgraduate qualification as their minimum requirement and be financially incapable of studying in the UK without this scholarship. Applicants should also demonstrate an impressive track record in academic achievement and leadership potential.

Before applying for a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship, applicants should apply to their desired course at a university and secure admission. Once admitted to the course, they should read all relevant guidance notes and advice for applicants before submitting their application – this should include providing supporting documentation as they advised.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is an international postgraduate award offered by the University of Cambridge. It covers all costs related to studies in any discipline, making it open to applicants worldwide. Only 1.3% of applicants received this highly sought-after award in recent years.

Scholarships are available for full-time postgraduate master’s and PhD studies at Cambridge. Each scholarship provides a full fee waiver, maintenance allowance (to cover living costs in the UK) and research expenses allowance; it also offers one economy-round airfare ticket at both ends of a course, academic development funding and family allowances.

The selection process is highly competitive, requiring candidates to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and leadership potential. They also must submit academic references and a statement of purpose detailing how their studies will address challenges facing humanity while making a significant contribution towards bettering society – please visit the How we Select page to gain more insight into this process.

Rhodes Scholarships

The Rhodes Scholarship is an internationally acclaimed postgraduate award that fully funds postgraduate study at Oxford. Established over 150 years ago, this renowned international fellowship offers exceptional young people from around the globe a life-altering postgraduate experience at Oxford.

The Rhodes Scholarship covers university and college fees, living stipend, settling-in allowance, health insurance coverage, visa application fee waiver and two economy class flights between Oxford and your country of choice – usually two years. Still, it may extend for up to three depending on the discretion of Rhodes Trustees.

The 2024/2025 academic year application process has opened, and the deadline is August 1st! Now is a fantastic time to apply!

Clarendon Scholarships

The Clarendon Scholarship is Oxford’s flagship graduate scholarship scheme, providing fully-funded scholarships for full-time DPhil and Master’s course candidates who fulfil certain criteria of academic excellence and promise in their chosen fields. Selection for these awards is determined solely on merit, with no restrictions regarding nationality, residence or field of study being set on applicants who meet these standards.

As well as providing financial support, this scholarship enables scholars to forge long-lasting social, professional and academic connections at one of Britain’s premier universities. Scholars may participate in lectures, academic symposia, and cultural outings like visits to theatres or historical landmarks.

Applying for Clarendon Scholarships requires only applying to their course of choice at Oxford by the January deadline; no separate scholarship application needs to be submitted. There are no quotas, though Clarendon encourages applications from students planning research in areas of particular need.

Cambridge Trust Scholarships

The Cambridge Trust Scholarships provide full-cost scholarships for exceptional postgraduate degree candidates to attend Cambridge. The scholarship covers tuition fees and maintenance allowance; students may study in any college across Cambridge. Jointly funded by Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and Cambridge Trust, this opportunity is open to both UK and international applicants; complete both parts of your application process to be considered for one of these awards. To be considered for one, applicants must also complete the funding section of the Applicant Portal online application before making an application.

The scholarship ensures that academically impressive students receive full financial support to pursue doctoral studies regardless of nationality. Furthermore, it helps scholars focus on their research without worrying about finances.

Application deadlines depend on each scholarship program, so you must visit their official website or scholarship program page for accurate and up-to-date deadline information. Missing an important submission date could result in your application being disqualified; any additional requirements or instructions from them will be communicated directly to you.

Marshall Scholarships

Marshall Scholarships provide young Americans of high academic ability a pathway to graduate study in the UK. Up to 50 Marshall Scholars are selected annually and selected universities. Their scholarship covers university fees, living expenses, research allowance, annual book grant, thesis allowance, and travel costs between US and UK universities. Selection is based on academic merit, leadership potential and strengthening USA-UK relationships.

The Marshall Scholarship is one of the world’s premier fellowships and the only fully-funded postgraduate award available to Americans. However, its application process can be extremely competitive; only approximately 130 scholars are selected annually from 800 applicants nationwide. The selection process entails writing a long essay about your personal and professional growth, along with providing letters from two faculty members as recommendations and an interview with a committee of experts in your field of interest.

Georgetown Center for Research and Fellowships supports students applying for Marshall Scholarships and UK fellowships, assisting in campus application processes and mock interviews for those selected to interview.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees

The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship funds international Master-level study programs with high degrees of integration among multiple European universities, offering joint degrees upon successful completion. The programmes are created and run by an international consortium of higher education institutions.

These scholarships cover monthly allowances, participation costs (tuition fees, library and laboratory fees, full insurance coverage), travel expenses and installation costs; amounts depend on the level of study and nationality.

EMA offers its students a comprehensive support network, such as pre-departure orientations and meetings with EU Delegations and Program Representatives in their host city. In addition, students are welcome to join the EMA community – comprised of current and former EMJMD students and alumni – which offers extended support at any point in their careers.

EMJMD graduates emerge with both conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to address transnational policy problems, from climate change and international terrorism to financial regulatory failure and regulatory inadequacies. This puts them in an ideal position to work across borders and cultures and positively contribute to society.

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