Australia Partner Visa Application Guide, 2024

Australia Partner Visa Application Guide
Australia Partner Visa Application Guide

Applying for an Australian Partner Visa involves extensive paperwork. The department requires extensive and probing evidence showing their genuine and ongoing relationship.

After two years since you received a temporary or provisional partner visa, processing times may vary according to individual cases. This Australia Partner Visa Application Guide provides a deep insight into the process.

Eligibility Assessment

The Australian Partner Visa provides married and de facto couples (same or opposite sex) a way to visit and reside permanently in Australia.

The visa process consists of two parts -: the provisional and the permanent stages. A provisional visa may be issued once an assessing officer is satisfied that both partners are in an authentic relationship by looking at finances pooled between partners, social contact and commitment levels.

Apply for an Australian visa in Australia (820/801) or outside (309/100). Those applying within Australia will be issued with a temporary subclass 820 visa while they wait for Immigration’s assessment of their application for a permanent subclass 801 visa.

Applying while abroad will receive a Prospective Marriage visa and must marry their sponsor within nine months. No matter whether the applicant applies for subclass 820 or 801, health and character requirements must be fulfilled before being approved for either subclass.

Online Application Submission

If you qualify for an onshore Partner Visa (subclasses 820 or 801), various steps and documents must be provided before submitting them to the Department of Immigration. These include identity proof, passport copies, sponsorship details and papers, relationship proofs, and medical and language proficiency certificates. These must be verified before being sent off for processing by DIL.

Meeting strict health and character requirements is also essential to the application process. It is critical to understand what evidence will be required in each category, including clearly defined terms like “genuine relationship.” Unfortunately, individuals often try to bypass this step by manipulating these criteria to gain access to visas.

Gather all required documents and photographs before beginning an online application process. Doing this will ensure that no deadlines or unforeseen complications arise later, making cross-checks simpler before final submission – saving time and money in the long run.

Document Compilation

Australia provides multiple pathways for you and your spouse or de facto partner to reside in Australia permanently, including family, business, and skilled migration visas.

The most widely applied for temporary Partner (Provisional) visa subclass 309/100 grants up to two years’ stay while your permanent visa application is processed; you may apply from inside or outside Australia.

This visa is open to people in genuine and ongoing relationships with Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens – whether married, de facto partners, or those engaged to be married.

The visa also recognizes de-facto relationships, though certain criteria must be fulfilled to prove this status. These requirements include living together as a couple and sharing household expenses and social activities. Please read the OMARA factsheet on giving immigration assistance (517KB PDF) for details regarding what assistance agents need and how you can complain against one.

Sponsorship Approval

Partner visas are among the most frequently applied for categories of visas. They come with an expensive government application fee and a high refusal rate, so applicants must prepare well by providing extensive documents, passing police record checks and meeting character requirements.

The visa is open to those involved in genuine and long-term relationships with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen – including married couples and de facto partners, including same-sex relationships. Applications may be submitted offshore (outside Australia) or onshore (within Australia).

Application requirements also include showing sufficient funds and English skills necessary to support themselves and their family in Australia, along with an acceptable level of English. After five years in Australia, this visa allows couples to apply for citizenship by making an application after having lived there freely – being free to travel in and out freely, as well as full work rights and access to Medicare coverage. It lasts up to five years, with extensions possible indefinitely.

Biometric Data and Health Checks

Depending upon the type of visa you seek, undergoing medical examination and police checks, as well as meeting general character requirements through personal interviews, may be required to secure approval for entry.

If you are applying for an offshore or onshore partner visa, Form 40 must be filled out. It requires specific details about the sponsor’s personal and relationship history – any inconsistencies or falsified statements can seriously affect your application.

Engaging your community during this process, including family, friends and work colleagues, is essential. They can assist by providing statutory declarations or witness statements that support your claims for genuine, committed and continuing relationships – which could make all the difference when applying for visas from Australian Immigration. They may also help you meet minimum income and asset requirements and complete your online application process.

Partner Visa Interview

The Department of Immigration generally evaluates Partner visa applications in the order they are received; compelling or compassionate reasons do not ensure an application for one to be prioritized.

Partners in an intimate relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen can apply for a partner visa. This may include marriage, de facto relationships and same-sex relationships.

Applying for a partner visa from outside Australia may take 6-12 months if you’re already within Australia at the time of application; however, a bridging visa will allow you to remain there while your permanent status is decided upon.

Y-Axis will craft an exceptional application package to ensure you or a loved one obtains their visa as quickly as possible. Our expert team will advise on the optimal visa option for your situation, saving time and money. Schedule a consultation session with one of our Registered Migration Agents now to get going!

Processing Time and Timelines

The Australian Partner Visa allows the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia temporarily for up to two years before transitioning into permanent residency status.

This visa is suitable for couples in genuine relationships who plan on getting married within nine months of receiving their visa. De facto relationships (heterosexual or same-sex) may apply, provided they have lived together for at least 12 months before applying.

The Department of Home Affairs is currently processing thousands of partner visa applications, which has created a backlog. One key factor slowing processing times is gathering and providing evidence of the applicant and sponsor’s genuine relationship. Financial records, photos, letters/emails/Form 888 Witness Statements must all be presented for processing – this makes engaging a registered migration agent specializing in partner visa applications essential.

Visa Grant

Australia’s Partner Visas allow married or de facto (same and opposite-sex) couples to come and stay together. There are various subclasses of Partner visas, such as Prospective Marriage Visas (subclass 300), Onshore Partner Visas (820 & 801), and Permanent Partner Visas (subclass 100).

Note that the Department of Immigration evaluates applications according to merit, considering factors like inconsistencies or previous rejections and health and character requirements.

Therefore, you must submit a complete and final application. Omitting details could delay or deny your request altogether.

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